Expand client learning beyond their presenting situation

Coaching clients often bring something to coaching they want to solve or resolve. Sometimes the client has opportunities they want to speak aloud and explore, to dream about and plan for in their future.

A Professional Coach can support their client to understand where they are now (current), also where they want to be (future), and what’s in the gap between current and future to explore.

Through the coach crafting customized and responsive discovery-oriented questions, and offering of observations, their client often has awareness begin to emerge. This is key benefit of coaching; for the client to have awareness and learning emerge, so they can in turn be clear on how they want to approach their presenting situation in congruent ways or new ways. The client has more confidence knowing how they want to approach their situation, and can consider how to move forward.

ICF Core Competency #8. Facilitates Client Growth, is defined in part as, “Partners with the client to transform learning and insight into action.”

Sub-point 8.1, “Works with the client to integrate new awareness, insight or learning into their worldview and behaviors.”

New awareness, insights or learning translate to clarity and ability to act more confidently. There’s often an energy or emotional shift, as the client experiences good feelings of satisfaction from a release of dopamine.

What is a “worldview?”

One definition of worldview is; “a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint.” We can use this idea as a coach to support the client expand their ability to apply what they’ve learned into different parts of their “world.”

I refer to this as the “ability to expand learning” and is one of the Ten Characteristics of MCC Skill Level Coaching. Which means the ability to consider learning gained by exploring a particular topic in the coaching session, and consider where else in their “world” they might also apply that learning. Their “world” could be other aspects of the professional or personal situations.

While this may be a more advanced coaching skill, a coach of any skill level can use this coaching skill, especially if now you have awareness that this is an option to ask. 🙂


Let’s say your coaching client wants to prepare for an upcoming interview for a higher level role within their current company, and have concerns they will be overlooked for an outside candidate. They want to clarify through coaching, what they bring to the new role (strengths), as well as work through fears and concerns they have. They want to consider possible questions they might be asked, and have a confident reply. As well as a reason why they believe they are a great candidate for the role.

Through the coaching, the client has new awareness, including embracing their fears and concerns. They’ve been able to work through possible scenarios of how they might answer questions about their lack of skills and experience for some aspects of the role and feel confident about how to approach the interview.

To expand client learning beyond the current situation, coach might ask a further question such as;
“With this new learning about how to approach your fears and concerns, where else in your work or life do you feel you might be able to apply that learning?”

The client is silent for a while, and the coach remains silent for the client to consider. Then the client says something that surprises themselves. They love to build sandcastles and do so in competitions with other people on the weekend. They realize how they can use what they learned from the coaching, to be more confident, and work with their fears and concerns of working on an intricate project that is also a beautiful piece of art.

The coach acknowledges their client for their ability to use their learning in another situation. Then asks further;
“Checking, where else might you be able to apply this learning?”

The client reflects further and realizes there’s a family situation they can also apply their learning from. What a bonus! The client has gained even more awareness than they imagined they would, and from coaching around their upcoming job interview!

Time to “Facilitate Client Growth”

The core competency of Facilitates Client Growth, is often given little time by coaches, because the coach becomes so engaged (and enamored) with the discovery part of the coaching process, they miss allowing time for the client to explore their session progress, crystalize their emerging awareness, articulate their learning, and consider what’s next (action).

Most people are busy, and go on to the next thing after a coaching session. If there’s been little or no time given to facilitate client growth, the client might not have enough traction to follow through on what they discovered in the coaching session.

Which also means the opportunity to consider expanded learning opportunities is lost.

We are a “whole person” with a “whole life” and we sometimes forget to use learning from one aspect of our life to support another.

For example, the reverse might be true; if the coach asked;
“What do you know about yourself as a competition sandcastle builder that might support you with your upcoming job interview?”

The client might also have awareness emerge that wouldn’t have occurred without the series of questions that led to this point.

In Closing

What you are learning from reading this article? Where in your life could you apply what you have learned?

Written by Carly Anderson, MCC

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The Mentor Coaching Group Program is an ICF approved individual / group mentor coaching program. Approved for 30 of ICF Core Competency CCEs, including 10 hours of mentor coaching. For comparison between my MCC program, and Level 3, go to Q6 on FAQs page

Mentor Coaching Programs Now Open!
Group #76 PCC-ACC mentor coaching program, commencing Tuesday September 10, 2024
Registration closes August 30, unless sold out prior

Group #77 MCC mentor coaching program, commencing Wednesday September 11, 2024
Registration closes August 30, unless sold out prior

visit this page for more information

I offer a rich, experiential mentor coaching group and individual program that has many exclusive offerings for participants. You can read some testimonials from real people, FAQs, or find out more about The Mentor Coaching Program here

I offer other products including The Upgraded Target Approach: Clarifying the ICF Core Competency Model, as well as Ten Characteristics of MCC Skill Level. And a very unique opportunity to hear 15 consecutive coaching sessions with one of my clients in the Butterfly on the Wall Coaching Series.

I’m a long term (since 2005), experienced and active MCC Assessor. I’ve been trained by the ICF to assess using the PCC Markers. Since 2005, I regularly assess for ICF MCC, PCC and ACC credentials. I keep up-to-date with the latest ACC, PCC and MCC credentialing criteria and do my best to communicate such to all my mentoring clients in a simple manner. I’m passionate about supportive the professionalism of coaching, which includes often engaging in ICF projects as a volunteer to continue to develop and evolve our profession.

One of the unique offerings for my clients is access to an extensive, exclusive library of MCC, PCC and ACC coaching session recordings, many of which have passed the ICF credential exam process. These are an incredibly valuable self-learning tool, and will accelerate your understanding of competency distinctions at each skill level.