How to find a coach training program

find a coach training programI’m often asked which is the best coach training program to enrol in. My response is, “that depends.”  Do you prefer in-person training, distance learning, or a combination of both? Do you have a specialty?

One of the best places to search for coach training programs is at the ICF’s website.

You’ll see the words, “Training Programs” on the home page. Click on that. Then click on Coach Specific Training.

Enter Search Terms. Choose ACTP as Program Type (Accredited Coach Training Program). Then play with the rest of the search terms in a number of combinations. Here is an example of one search I did. Click on the image to enlarge it.

And here are the results this search returned. Again, click on the image to enlarge it.

Now you have a list of coach training programs that meet ICF’s requirements to be accredited. Click on the training organization that you want to explore, and you’ll be taken to a place with more information.

Personally, I think that a combination of in-person and distance learning is the best one, as you can continue your learning in a virtual community after or in-between in-person training.